MHCTC Curator, Instructor
150 Stanley Hall
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: (573) 884-5001
E-mail: johnstonnr@missouri.edu
Vita (PDF)
MS, University of Missouri, 2010; BA, University of Missouri, 1997
Nicole Johnston is Curator of the Missouri Historic Costume and Textile Collection and teaches the department’s two dress history courses. Ms. Johnston first began her association with the MHCTC in 2007 as a TAM graduate student under the guidance of curator Dr. Laurel Wilson, then as Collection Manager with curator Dr. Jean Parsons from 2012 to 2020. Ms. Johnston became Curator of the MHCTC in 2021 and dedicated herself to increasing interdisciplinary and outreach opportunities. Ms. Johnston strives to build and enhance relationships with campus, local and state institutions, and actively collects garments as part of her Notable Missourians and Tigers Collection, Mizzou Made: TAM Designs, and Timely Response Collecting Strategy.